30 The apostles gathered around Jesus
and reported to him all they had done and taught. 31 Then,
because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a
chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by
yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark 6:30,31 NIV
Many years ago, I remember a coworker,
someone who would happily describe himself as a New Ager, declaring to me that,
as humanity is evolving, we have now evolved well beyond the point where we
would need something as primitive as Christianity. So, I challenged him to tell
me just how, and in what way, we had
evolved beyond war, bigotry, envy, greed, selfishness, tribalism or any other
of the age old ‘flaws’ that the Bible
would call sin. In what way, have we outgrown Jesus’s warnings about the lure
of wealth and pleasure. If anything, the
human race appears to be regressing.
The truth is: there are some teachings in
the Scriptures, such as those by Jesus on the power of Mammon ( the false idol
of wealth ( Matt 6 ) ) that are even more poignant today than they were in the
age when they were first uttered. Another
such teaching would be Jesus’s call to
come and rest. We could call it the motif of Sabbath. Consider it.
While other generations may have worked as
hard or harder, has a generation ever been more ‘busy’ than ours? Never more options.. more demands… more
temptations. Never has a generation been
more subject to the invasion of “inner space” by images, voices and other
impulses. Never has there been a more compelling and bewildering variety of
“stuff” to do. Never before has a force like modern media been unleashed upon
our collective consciousness. And its power and prevalence is only increasing.
I was reflecting on this theme, and my own
sleep and rest deprivation, when this morning the preacher opened this very
scripture – Mark 6:30-31- as the text of his message. Although what he said was
powerful, for my purposes he didn’t need to say anything more. The words jumped
off the page and wrestled me to the floor.
“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get
some rest…”
I think of the words of Dr. Leonard
Sweet. “We have not come to preach the
times. We have come to preach eternity to
the times.” How much in our time of
hurry, noise, stress and fatigue do we need to heed the Sabbath call of a
gracious God. “ Come away with Me…”. How much we need to recognize that without
heeding this call we become hollow, empty shells. But with it … well, that
changes everything. We have Him!
I have a suggestion. Take a few moments (
if you are not too busy J), to ask yourself the hard questions. How many minutes of the
10,000+ minutes I have each week do I
give in conscious, deliberate communication with the Master. More to the point, how many of those minutes
do I give to the work of resting in His presence? For real. With nobody to impress but myself…
how many? In the midst of everything
else that competes for our time, energy and attention – you and I at least need
to ask and answer the question. And if we have the courage to do so,
truthfully, then may God grant us the grace to heed and obey His gracious call.