sent out the twelve, with the following instructions, “…freely you have
received, freely give” (Matt. 10: 5,
Last week Tuesday all the profs here
at Redeemer got together for ninety minutes to ponder the question, “what do we
learn about teaching from Jesus our teacher?”
As Redeemer’s faculty, we wanted to explore in very practical ways what
our theme of the year – “All things held in Christ” – means for us when we walk
into our classrooms.
I wish every member of the Redeemer
community could have listened in on the conversation. Here are a few assorted quotes:
“The subjects I teach fill me with wonder and humility due to the beauty
and complexity
of God’s creation, and I pray I can transmit just a little of that
spirit to my students.”
“Jesus was a teacher and a shepherd at the same time – he didn’t just
teach people’s
brains, he ministered to the whole person. I long to do the same.”
“Jesus taught with grace and truth, challenging people to continue
growing in their faith
by leading them to wrestle with difficult questions and allowing room
for suffering and
struggle. That inspires and
challenges me as a teacher who follows him.”
“Jesus knew people, and he
spoke differently to different people based on this knowing.
That’s hard for me because I have large classes, but I want to honour
that goal as much
as I can.”
“Jesus offered himself as a gift of love. I am called to do the same, and I begin by
praying for my students.”
We professors also asked each other
the question, “how might our students be called to model Christlikeness?” The response that stuck with me went like
this: “At our Christian university our
goal is not that our students go through their courses but that our courses go through our students.” In other words, at Redeemer, we are grateful
for students who are open to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in the
As a professor, I know that what I long to do and what I actually do in my classroom never
match up perfectly. That’s true for all
of us: students, staff, faculty. But our longings are the deepest engine that
drives our actions, and so I was very encouraged listening to the longings of
my colleagues.
All of us who follow Jesus have freely
received from him, and have been sent out by him to freely give to others what
we have received.
I invite you to look for glimpses of
the deepest longings that live in our community this week. In what ways have others been giving to
you? How specifically do you long to
give to others what you have received from him?
And how does he hold together the
tangled web of longings in your own heart?
Are there ways you can surrender more of that jumbled web to Him?
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