So as the Holy
Spirit says: “ Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden
your hearts as you did in the rebellion,
during the time
of testing in the desert. See to it, brethren, that none of you has a sinful,
unbelieving heart
that turns away
from the living God.
Heb 3:7,8,12
These words of antiquity ring with an
eternal urgency. The question is: How?
The hardening, the calcification, of
our hearts often occurs gradually and almost imperceptibly. While it may be possible to look at events or
decisions that caused our hearts to grow cold, it far more often happens as a
series of subtle choices. But the net
result is the same.
What are some warning signs?
Do you find yourself cynical and jaded? Cynicism, in many ways is a
defense mechanism. It involves a level of detachment or disengagement, along
with a certain sense of superiority. Regardless, it is invariably a symptom of
the hardening of our heart.
Busyness. Are you too busy to stop and listen?
Are you too busy to make time for Him? Many of us are. Our timetables reflect
that He is not a priority. We are aware
that He exists and that He is involved in our lives, but we won’t make the time
to make a conscious relational connection with Him as a part of our lifestyle.
We are not only surrounded by idols, but our hearts are idol making
factories. We are easily consumed by pursuits or passions that block Him out of
our lives and dull our sense of hearing.
We do that which we know we ought not to do. In response, our
consciences are dulled or muffled. We care less and less about what it is that
He wants from us. And we are sophisticated in how we rationalize it.
This is not to be confused with doubt. We are talking about the kind of
unbelief that causes us to turn away from the living God. While confronting
doubt is part of the battle of the Christian life, unbelief fuels ( and is
fueled by ) disobedience and undercuts our relationship with Him.
There are those for whom this actually
matters. They know that they are distant from Him, growing cold in their
relationship and caring less and less about what He might be saying to them in
the present. It concerns them. Their conscience still functions and they are
aware that they are missing what they once knew and enjoyed.
There are others, quite frankly, who
care less and less. However it presents itself, the root is the same. And the
warning is clear. And the Holy Spirit still speaks.
What to do? Repentance begins with awareness and acknowledgement.
And at a primary level, it involves apologizing
to Him and asking Him for His Spirit
to soften our hearts and to bring about the change we need to be open and
receptive to Him again. Only He can
soften a hardened heart, and in His sovereign design He chooses to do it in
conjunction with us. The above verse indicates that we have something to do
with it. We have something to do with the hardening of our hearts and we have
something to do with how He softens them.
And finally, it means making choices to work with Him in confronting
ourselves in the ways we isolate ourselves from His Spirit and allow our hearts
to become hardened.
For those with ears to hear…
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