Monday, 10 November 2014

Redeemer’s Cornerstone

Unless the Lord builds the house,
its builders labour in vain.
                     Psalm 127:1
Human beings are builders. From the early pages of scripture we learn about building. Cain built a city named Enoch. (Gen. 4:17). Houses, an ark, a tower, storehouses, wells, altars, walls, cities, and temples are the literal buildings mentioned in scripture. But there are figurative buildings as well: families and nations to name two.
Today we talk about building other things: a resume; a profile, or a community. It is a metaphor that speaks to creating something that is organic. These buildings become representative of who we are and are often used as identity markers.
Where does this desire to build come from? As image bearers of God we can trace our yearning for building to the Master Builder. He laid the earth’s foundations (Job 38:4). Not only is he the builder, but also architect of his city (Heb 11:10). Quite simply, God is the builder of everything (Heb 3:4).
This verse from Psalm 127 tells us that in order to build anything of value it requires both God and humans building together. That is how the tabernacle was constructed. God was the designer and architect: the blueprints are laid out in detail in the pages of Exodus. And when completed it was filled with God’s glory (Ex. 40:34-35).
Building is a metaphor used in Scripture to describe how we are to build. But how do we discover the blueprints? First, we start with the foundation, which Paul reminds us is Jesus Christ himself (1 Cor. 3:11). Jesus is the cornerstone of a foundation that is secure. As promised in Isaiah, those who trust in this precious cornerstone will never be dismayed, they have no need to panic (Isa 28:16).
The wise human builder is the one who both hears and puts into practice Jesus’ teachings (Matt. 7:24). As listening and obedient followers of Jesus we build with gold, silver and precious stones that will reveal the quality of a building in the Day of Jesus Christ and for which a reward is promised.
Psalm 127:1 is etched into the ceremonial cornerstone of Redeemer’s academic building. It serves as a reminder to us all that God’s glory is revealed when we build on Jesus the Cornerstone and we labour by hearing and obeying what He taught us.

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