Wednesday, 27 November 2013


Prayer of rest

Chapel today will lead us to offer our anxiety back to God.  Is your load heavy?  Ponder the gospels:  Jesus’ ministry was vitally important in the scope of history   - so many people’s lives were at stake, but He went about His work peacefully and was at rest. Jesus told us not to worry about anything (Matthew 6:34). 

When stress hits you today hit the “Pause” button for 30 seconds. In this time commit the stressful, less-than-ideal situation  into the capable hands and care of God. Like you would leave a stack of books off at the library, try leaving the anxiety and irritation with Him. Work out of peace, knowing that you are in His plan, in His world, doing His work, for His glory. You don’t have it perfectly figured out; that’s okay. Let your day slow down a little bit. He is in control (Matt 6: 25-34).

Sample: God of peace, You ask us to come to You for rest. There is a lot going on in my life right now and there doesn’t seem to be much room to sit and rest or get away from the stress. Please help me to live out of a foundation of peace today. Whenever a stressful situation comes up, or something tries to steal away that peace, I pray that I’d be able to find my rest in You.  Nothing is more important than You, God, no matter how many demands or people or assignments need my attention today. I don’t have to rush through things or get overwhelmed because You are with me.

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