Luke 11: 5-8 - DR
Then Jesus said to them, “Suppose you have a friend, and you go to him at midnight and say, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread; a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have no food to offer him.’ And
suppose the one inside answers, ‘Don’t bother me. The door is already
locked, and my children and I are in bed. I can’t get up and give you
anything.’ I tell you, even though he will not
get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your
shameless audacity he will surely get up and give you as much as you
need. Luke 11:5-8
audacity:” What a great phrase! Jesus follows up the model prayer of
imperatives with this story about a friend needing bread for another
friend. But friendship just isn’t enough to get the answer he needs.
It’s shameless audacity—brazen boldness—that gets response.
course God is our friend and that is a wonderful part of our
relationship with him. But he wants more—he wants us to come “boldly to
the throne of grace.” (Heb. 4:16 KJV) We can only come to him this way
when we have confidence in him that he is able to supply all our needs.
Are you that confident? Then ask boldly, with shameless audacity.
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