Luke 12:22; Luke 14: 28
“Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear” (Lk 12:22).
“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?”
(Luke 14: 28)
Jesus tells us not to worry, and then later he calls people to look to the future with wise concern and careful examination.
Some questions that come to my mind when I read Lk 12:22 and Lk 14:28 beside each other are:
Are there kinds of worry that are inevitable, even permissible? If so, what’s the difference between them?
When I look to the future what is the difference between exercising wise concern and exercising unhealthy worry?
I often don’t know when I am worrying, because I am too busy worrying. I want to know when I am off track in my discipleship journey. When I am in a state of worry are there any red flags that tend to show up in my heart, my body, my family and my
friendships that can serve to point me towards repentance and refreshment?
What questions do these two verses evoke in you?
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