Saturday, 18 January 2014

25 Ways to Read Scripture - Day 13

The slow motion replay for a Saturday

The book The Drama of Scripture has many things right, including these:  The Bible is a very dramatic book, and we are part of the drama.   For this Saturday, take any one episode in the story and try to live into the drama as follows:

I.  Read through the passage once to picture the details.
II.  Re-read it VERY slowly, and place yourself in the sandals of one of the major characters in the episode.  Push "pause" after almost every verse.  Take note of your five senses, the responses in your 'gut,' the character of the relationships between 'you' and the others in this episode, i.e. the entire event.  

What did living into the drama reveal to you about God and serving Him?

Some possible ways to live into a passage:

Through Peter in Matthew 14:  22-36
Through Miriam in Exodus 2:  1-10  (see also Ex. 15:  19-21)
Through Mary in Luke 10:  38-42
Through Nicodemus in John 3:  1-21 (see also John 7: 45-52 and John 19:  38-42)

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