Thursday, 23 January 2014

25 Ways to Read Scriture- Day 18

Interpretative reading for a Thursday

If the work-week is a marathon, Thursday is the day for "stick-to-it-ive-ness," persevering until the week ends.  A good way to energize the body on a Thursday is to read Scripture out-loud with just a pinch of dramatic interpretation.  Reading the good book out-loud actually triples our reception of the Word, because our eyes, our tongues, our ears and (if we get a little dramatic) our bodies are all involved.  

Need a passage?  Try Paul's beautiful, Trinitarian hymn of praise in Eph. 1: 3-14 (which, by the way, our very own Greek class translated this week.  Track down one of the students and ask for a dramatic reading in Greek to accompany your own in the language of your choice).   

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