Saturday 30 November 2013


  Praying into Advent

Ever since the 4th century, Christians have used the “Church year” (also called the “Liturgical calendar”) as a worship guide for “living into” the story of God’s faithfulness to us.  This year begins tomorrow, the first Sunday of Advent, and continues through Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Good Friday, Easter, Ascension and Pentecost (and then continues through what is called “Ordinary Time”).  It’s quite stunning to picture how millions of our fellow believers have received blessing upon blessing by living into this rhythm for the past 1700 years. 

It’s fitting that our 30 ways of prayer end as Advent begins.  To participate in this transition, pray your way into Advent by pondering the story of God’s faithfulness and your part in it.  For example:

“Lord, we long for the day when our faith shall be sight, and tears shall be no more.  We are in awe as we contemplate your long-suffering faithfulness:  you became one of us in the fullness of time, dying and rising again, and sending the Spirit as a deposit of the new creation that we groan for in eager anticipation.  Through the refining power of your Spirit, shape us as your New Creation signposts so that:

As we gaze on Your kingly brightness, so our faces display Your likeness
Ever changing from glory to glory, mirrored here may our lives tell Your story
Shine on me, shine in me, shine through us.   (adapted from “Shine, Jesus, Shine”)

Friday 29 November 2013


Praying in the winter seasons of our faith

How do you pray when you cannot pray?  How do you pray when it seems like God has let you down and you don’t trust him enough to pray to Him?  Or you have strayed away from Him and, in your shame, feel that He does not want to listen to you?  Or you are too spiritually exhausted or broken or apathetic to pray? 

The beauty of the call to prayer we receive from our Lord is that there are even prayers for the seasons when we cannot pray.  The Psalms are filled with such prayers (just do a google search for “Psalms of lament), and they often take our own inability to pray and place it inside the multitude of prayers of the believing community throughout history (for starters, see Psalms 13, 42 and 88).

Some ways to pray when we cannot pray:

Lord, I don’t know if you are there and if you want to hear from me – but I am broken and confused and _______; I am longing for an encouraging glimpse of any kind….

Lord, I don’t love you; Lord, I don’t want to love you; but Lord, I do want to want to love you (Annie Lamott).

Thursday 28 November 2013


Breath Prayer

As necessary as it is to our every moment, we don’t usually think about our breathing. Take a deep breath right now. Feel more at peace? Something so simple is such a tremendous blessing. A breath prayer takes breathing and combines it with a sentence prayer, as if you are breathing in God. As you breathe in, address God by one of His names or titles (ex. Father God, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, Saviour King, etc) and as you breathe out, say a short prayer of what is earnestly on your heart, what you think about God, or how much He means to you. Breath prayer is most easily described by way of examples.

Sample: Holy Spirit, please fill me.
                Yahweh, You are holy.
                My God, forgive me.
                Jesus Christ, I need You.
                Fortress, surround me.

Wednesday 27 November 2013


Prayer of rest

Chapel today will lead us to offer our anxiety back to God.  Is your load heavy?  Ponder the gospels:  Jesus’ ministry was vitally important in the scope of history   - so many people’s lives were at stake, but He went about His work peacefully and was at rest. Jesus told us not to worry about anything (Matthew 6:34). 

When stress hits you today hit the “Pause” button for 30 seconds. In this time commit the stressful, less-than-ideal situation  into the capable hands and care of God. Like you would leave a stack of books off at the library, try leaving the anxiety and irritation with Him. Work out of peace, knowing that you are in His plan, in His world, doing His work, for His glory. You don’t have it perfectly figured out; that’s okay. Let your day slow down a little bit. He is in control (Matt 6: 25-34).

Sample: God of peace, You ask us to come to You for rest. There is a lot going on in my life right now and there doesn’t seem to be much room to sit and rest or get away from the stress. Please help me to live out of a foundation of peace today. Whenever a stressful situation comes up, or something tries to steal away that peace, I pray that I’d be able to find my rest in You.  Nothing is more important than You, God, no matter how many demands or people or assignments need my attention today. I don’t have to rush through things or get overwhelmed because You are with me.

Tuesday 26 November 2013


Post-it Prayers

Take out a little pad of post-it notes, and write a different prayer item on each one:  a person's name, an item of thanksgiving, a temptation to be protected from, a fruit of the Spirit to grow into more sturdily, a region of the world, an upcoming event, and more.  Place these in various places:  around your desk, your room, in the pages of a book you are reading, on the edge of your computer screen, and place where this day will take you.  As you notice them throughout the day, turn each one into a one-sentence prayer. 

Monday 25 November 2013

Ketchup Checkup

“David burned with anger against the man and said to Nathan, “As surely as the Lord lives, the man who did this must die! 6 He must pay for that lamb four times over, because he did such a thing and had no pity.” Then Nathan said to David, ‘You are the man!’”
(2 Sam. 12:5-7a)
“Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.” (Prov. 27:6)
If I cannot see the ketchup stain that’s right under my chin, I am not going to do anything about it.
Recently I had a mentoring meeting in which 3 of my mentors spent 2 hours working with me on character development, or unnoticed ketchup stains. Yes, they pointed out areas that are natural strengths and areas that have gone through improvement, but it was them pointing out the 27 year old ketchup stains that blessed me more than they will ever know.
Living this proverb, “Better is open rebuke then hidden love,” (Prov. 27:5) is easier said than practiced. But the goal of honest checkups must remain clear: growth in our maturity in Christ.
I know a dorm of guys that took Prov. 27:5 seriously and as an application decided to take their turns sitting in the middle of a group, so that the rest of the dorm could name the attributes and blinds spots of the person in the middle. I am not sure if that degree of openness is the best option for every dorm context (that being said, 3 years after graduation these guys are still best friends!), but I admired their courage to apply Scripture and speak the truth boldly and honestly to one another.
Few people in the world have the boldness of the prophet Nathan. You and I must take the initiative to invite wise people to speak into our lives.
Consider approaching wise and trusted friends with the question, “What am I doing that promotes the flourishing of this team or of this dorm?” “What am I doing that hinders flourishing?”
What if you are the one invited to give the ketchup checkup?
Throughout the Proverbs wisdom is the constant companion to correction (cf. 1:23; 3:11). The two go hand in hand. Honest communication ought to have proper content, context and purpose: the content brief, the context safe and the listener able to detect neither frustration nor arrogance. A gentle and prayerful posture, coming from a heart of deep, immovable love is difficult to reject.
What gives us the strength to do these checkups?
We are in the Lamb. In the Lamb we are holy (Heb. 10:14) and in the Lamb we are free from the need to run in fear of what we know is being washed and made new.
So why not take a risk and ask a dear friend to do a ketchup checkup?
...just because I can’t see the ketchup, doesn’t mean others don’t.


 Centering Prayer

As we begin a new school week at end of term, it's easy for us to enter into Monday feeling overwhelmed by the demands of the week.  That feeling calls us to simplify.  

How ?  Focus on one phrase/characteristic/name of God (ex.  Prince of Peace, Lover, Rock, Comforter, Father, God with Us, Lord of History, Hope of the Nations, Holy One, Shepherd, Light of Life) that either expresses your desire for God or brings into focus a characteristic of God that will bless you this week. Let that word or phrase linger within you and open yourself up to God’s presence through that word.   

Write the word or phrase somewhere (on a note on your desk, or maybe even on the palm of your hand?) so that you'll see it repeatedly throughout the day.  

Sunday 24 November 2013


 Prayer Partners

“Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Matthew 18:20).Jesus taught His disciples to begin their prayers with, “Our Father” - praying was something they were to do together. Praying with someone else is a good way to be held accountable to believe in the extravagant love of King Jesus and to experience the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Prayer partners can intercede for you, believe in God for you, and listen to God with you.  Praying for another, and listening to them pray for you is deeply encouraging.  And, on a practical note, having someone else listen beside you as you pray can help you to stay focused ...and consistent in prayer.  

Saturday 23 November 2013


 Pray in different positions

We typically adopt two positions in prayer: sitting or standing. However, the Bible is riddled with examples of biblical heroes kneeling while they prayed (Acts 20:36) or even laying themselves prostrate on the ground while they prayed (2 Samuel 12:16).  Paul instructs us to pray standing with our hands raised (I Tim. 2:8).  Try praying in a different position while you pray today. Recognize God’s authority as King while kneeling before Him. Humble yourself in the dust before the mighty God of the heavens and revere Him as you lay upon the ground. Lift raised hands to honour the one who holds every molecule in this vast universe in his hands.  Take a prayer walk and marvel at this world. 

Friday 22 November 2013


Pray through the newspaper

 Fifty years ago today, Pres. John F. Kennedy was assassinated, and C. S. Lewis passed away.  You will find articles about both of these deaths in today's newspapers, as well as much more.  We are bombarded with information about the terrifying and heart-wrenching news of what happens everyday in our broken world. Pick up the Hamilton Spectator or read the newspaper from your hometown online and talk to God about the events that are going on. Ask Him to intercede for those stories that break both your heart and His.  Pray especially for leaders who are called to make decisions that seem virtually impossible to make.  Remember leaders of the past whose names are in the news (as they are today).   As you bring various matters to the Lord in prayer, hum "He's got the whole world in HIs hands" as you read and pray.

Thursday 21 November 2013


 Praying the Ordinary

Paul instructed the Thessalonians to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Today, focus on seeing and serving God in the everyday, ordinary events, conversations, housework, homework, office work, etc. God is everywhere in our ordinary surroundings. “Our vocation [and studies] is an asset to prayer because our work becomes prayer. It is prayer in action.” (Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home, by Richard J. Foster) As 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” Our ordinary days are enriched when we live to honour God in everything and pray to Him through every moment.

Sample: Dear God! See that bird over there that’s singing so beautifully? Thank You for it and for reminding me of the detail and beauty that You’ve put into Your creation.

God, washing dishes really isn’t my favourite thing to do, but I’m here doing them anyways. Thank You for scrubbing the dirt off of me and gently drying me off. Your word says that you are the potter and I am the clay (Is 64:8). You have a purpose for me, Master Potter, and thank You that I can’t slip through Your fingers and fall.

Dear Jesus, the person walking towards me in the hall often looks dark and troubled.  I don't know his (her) story, but you do.  Please pour your grace and truth into his life with encouragement and healing.  

Lord, today I laughed really hard ! Thank You for filling me with joy and for letting each day have its glad moments. It truly warms my heart.

Wednesday 20 November 2013


Day 20: Prayer of Confession

Having an intimate relationship with anyone requires vulnerability, the ability to admit when we are wrong and humility to ask for forgiveness. In a prayer of confession, be vulnerable and ask for God’s help to shun sin, confessing your sins to Him in humble repentance. Remember God’s forgiveness and compassion and have confidence in the saving work of Jesus and that He really does forget all of our sins (1 Jn 1:9). Nothing that we can do can separate us from God’s love.

Sample: Jesus, I’ve messed up. I was born a sinner and I know that without Your grace, I am nothing. Thank You for going to the cross for me and for taking the punishment that I deserve. Although I try to live as You lived, I am not perfect. I’ve sinned against You again, God. It isn’t natural for me to talk about my weaknesses and my downfalls, but Lord, You already know all about it, so here I am, bowed before You, to tell You all about it....

Tuesday 19 November 2013


Finger Prayer

Our spirituality can be simple, and so can our prayers.

Thumb – Pray for the people closest to you: fellow students and workers, your family and children.
Pointer – Pray for those who point the direction: teachers, mentors, pastors, youth leaders, etc.
Middle – Pray for government officials and those who stand tall in society: fire-fighters, police, doctors, etc.
Ring Finger – This is your weakest finger, so pray for the weak, poor and the needy.
Pinky – The finger farthest from you: pray for your own needs.

Monday 18 November 2013

Good Exhaustion

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40: 28-31)
“Are—are—are you,” panted Shasta, “are you King Lune of Archenland?” The old man shook his head. “No,” he replied in a quiet voice, “I am the Hermit of the Southern March. ..If you run now, without a moment’s rest, you will still be in time to warn King Lune.”
Shasta’s heart fainted at these words for he felt he had no strength left. And he writhed inside at what seemed the cruelty and unfairness of the demand. He had not yet learned that if you do one good deed your reward usually is to be set to do another and harder and better one. But all he said out loud was: “Where is the King?” (from The Horse and his Boy, the Chronicles of Narnia, C. S. Lewis)
It’s been unusually windy this month, and the trees in the forest behind our home look tired. The few remaining leaves have been blown off, weak limbs have cracked and fallen, and the trees are swaying back and forth as if to say, “enough already! Let us rest.”
That’s good exhaustion. They get to sleep for the winter after a strong season of growth.
The vibe I pick up on campus tends to assume that exhaustion is a bad thing. The reality is this: if we get tired while we are loving God and neighbour and seeking first the kingdom, that is good exhaustion. That is part of the rhythm of creation itself: hard work following by a much-needed time of rest and replenishment.
The question is not, “who can I tell how horribly exhausted I am?” Instead, the question is, “what do I hear after I offer my exhaustion to God?”
And His reply may include any of the following counter-questions:
 Will you take time to refresh your hope in me, so that I can renew your strength?
Have you discerned the causes of your exhaustion and allowed me to refine them, so that you can offer me “good” exhaustion and not foolish, “striving after wind” exhaustion? (Today’s Journaling way of prayer may help you carry out such discernment.)
Can you hear me calling you with the reward of “another and harder and better good deed” to be carried out before it’s time for that well-needed winter (Christmas) rest?
Those are the types of questions that lead us to become more rooted in the tree of life.


  Journal your prayers and questions

Write a letter to God with your requests, anxieties, joys, fears, hopes and dreams.  Keep it somewhere safe (and somewhere that you will remember,) until the end of the semester or school year.  Pick a date on your Zimbra calendar, and make a note there to take it out again.  Reread your prayer and see how God has worked in your life and answered that prayer (whether He answered it with a yes, not yet, or I have something better in mind). These prayers can serve as powerful reminders of God’s action in your life.

Sunday 17 November 2013


 Pray through a psalm

Psalms are the prayers of people living in ancient Israel, crying out to God, exalting God, pleading with God. Pray through one or two, echoing the ancients’ prayers and letting the psalm resound with your own heart. Perhaps you will even be inclined to write your own psalm.

Samples:      Feeling overwhelmed  – Psalm 46
                   Feeling abandoned by God – Psalm 44
                   Needing forgiveness – Psalm 51
                   Feeling joyful – Psalm 98
                   In awe of God – Psalm 33

Saturday 16 November 2013


 Liturgical Prayer

Some of us shy away from traditional prayers that have been written and memorized, but there is deep wisdom in praying liturgical prayers. It may even shock us how a prayer written hundreds of years ago can be so relevant to what we are going through today. Below are a few prayers that have been spoken and sung throughout the ages, all speaking to the same God that we serve today.

Sample: A Heart to Love Thee

O Lord, who hast mercy upon all, take away from me my sins, and mercifully kindle in me the fire of Thy Holy Spirit. Take away from me the heart of stone, and give me a heart of flesh, a heart to love and adore Thee, a heart to delight in Thee, to follow and to enjoy Thee, for Christ’s sake. (Ambrose of Milan, c 339-97)

                The Praises of God
                Lord God: you alone are holy, you who work wonders!
                You are strong, you are great,
                You are the Most High, you are the almighty King,
                You, holy Father, King of heaven and earth.
                Lord God: you are Three and you are One,
                You are goodness, all goodness,
                You are the highest Good, Lord God, living and true.
                You are love and charity, you are wisdom,
                You are humility, you are patience,
                You are beauty, you are sweetness,
                You are safety, you are rest,
                You are joy, you are our hope and our delight,
                You are justice, you are moderation,
                You are all our wealth and riches overflowing.
                You are beauty, you are gentleness,
                You are our shelter, our guard and our defender,
                You are strength, you are refreshment,
                You are our hope, you are our faith.
                You are our love, you are our complete consolation,
                You are our life everlasting, great and wonderful Lord,
                all powerful God, merciful Saviour!
                Amen. (St. Francis of Assisi)

                Prayer for God’s Presence

                Lord, be with us this day, within us to purify us;
                Above us to draw us up;
                Beneath us to sustain us;
                Before us to lead us;
                Behind us to restrain us;
                Around us to protect us.
                (Patrick, c 389-461)

                Prayer for a busy season

                Lord, temper with tranquility
                Our manifold activity
                That we may do our work for Thee
                In silence and simplicity
                (anonymous Quaker prayer, 18th cent)

Friday 15 November 2013


Praying over our prayer-life at mid-month

We’re halfway through November!   This Friday is a good day to reflect on the past 15 days and our prayer life in general, asking the Lord questions like these:

Lord, do I beat myself up too much about the inconsistencies in my prayer life, instead of simply learning to engage in daily conversation with you?  Pour your peace into my prayers.

Lord, am I trying too much to pray like some of the role models in my life (real or imagined), instead of leaning into prayer rhythms that flow from my own temperament and life patterns?  Pour your wisdom into my prayers. 

Lord, are my prayers running a bit too much on auto-pilot, so that the same phrases and patterns settle in immediately, dulling my heart to significant conversation with you?  Pour holy discontent into my prayers. 

Lord, am I trying too hard to be "real" in my prayers, limiting myself to my own personal prayer vocabulary?  Lead me back to your great prayer book, the Scriptures (and especially the Psalms) to stretch my prayer horizons.  

Lord, which of the prayers that I’ve tried this month might become regular visitors in my prayer landscape, deepening my conversation with you for the longterm?  Pour your discernment into my prayers. 

Thursday 14 November 2013


Day 14: Praying through talents

Pray while you play.  God has entrusted you with gifts, whether you are talented in music, athletics, writing, art, cooking, conversations, etc. (or perhaps you aren't sure yet what your talents are?)   Be intentional today to talk to God while you actively explore and enjoy the playground of life.  If you are a musician, play for the audience of One and sing a new song to Him. If you are an athlete, play for the honour of God.  If you are a writer, write something that expresses your love for God.  If you are an artist, create something that reminds you of how close God is.  If you are preparing a meal today, take delight in every ingredient as a gift from the Father's hand.  God has given you talents - seize this day by delighting in Him through active spirituality!

Wednesday 13 November 2013


Day 13: Prayer of Relinquishment

This prayer focuses on surrendering our will to God’s will. Talk to God about the plans that you have for your life, both long-term and short-term, and listen to His plans for you. This prayer moves from struggling with God’s will, to surrendering ourselves to it.  Jesus struggled.  When He asked that the cup of suffering would pass from Him, he meant it (Lk 22:39-46). However, in the end He sought for God’s will to be done above His own.

Sample:  To be honest, God, it is hard for me to surrender to Your will and give up my own plans and desires to follow Yours, even though I trust that You have good things in store for me. I realize that I don’t always understand the big picture and I don’t see things from the same perspective that You see them, so please help me accept Your will, even if it is different than what I have in mind. Thank You for those things that we’re on the same page about...and surprise me with your love and your provision in those other things. I’m excited to see what’s going to happen. Father in heaven, may Your name be hallowed, may Your Kingdom come and may Your will be done on earth... and in my life.


Day 12 : Mint Prayer – Listening Prayer

Heads up:  this prayer requires having a mint or candy in your mouth.  If you don't have access to one, there are quite a few offices on campus that have a bowl for public consumption.  Find one.  If you can't, set a timer for ten minutes.   

How often do our prayers only consist of us downloading our lives and desires to God and not listening to what He, in His ultimate wisdom and concern, has to say to us? Prayer is a conversation with God, one that is often one-sided. Pop a peppermint into your mouth, and be intentional about not chewing it. For the entire time that you are sucking on the mint, silence and calm yourself and focus on entering into the presence of God. Be intentional on listening to what He has to say to you, not vice versa. Let your mind remember all that God has done for you and listen as He downloads His heart to you. Sit there until the mint has entirely dissolved. Yes, it will take time, but God is present in the silence and desires to speak with us, His kids.

Monday 11 November 2013

The Meaning of Remembrance Day


We have sinned, even as our ancestors did;
     we have done wrong and acted wickedly.
When our ancestors were in Egypt,
     they gave no thought to your miracles;
they did not remember your many kindnesses,
     and they rebelled by the sea, the Red Sea. [ b ]
Psalm 106
We have always had memory problems.
I was moved as I saw a tribute to our veterans, this year. Particularly, pictures of young men, full of vitality and promise looking earnestly towards the camera. They were, they were sure, off to set the world right. I wondered, how many of them would return. And when they did, would they have the same exuberance? Or, would they have a soul full of memories that would haunt them to the grave.
Remembrance Day? What does it mean? What are we to remember? It is something about war, but we are not necessarily sure just what. My own take on it, over the years has been two fold. First, it is the recognition that war is a part of the Fall. Ever since Cain slew Abel, we have seen the fruit of animosity and an unwillingness and inability to sort out our differences in peace. War is wrong. At its best, even its proponents should admit, it is the ‘lesser of two evils’. The evidence of humanity’s capacity to wreak death and destruction, in the last hundred years alone, is beyond belief. I am not a principled pacifist. I can see the world in greys, but it is always in the recognition that, to quote William Sherman ( who was reasonably successful at it ), “War is Hell”.
Having said that, it is in the midst of man’s depravity in full display that we can see the magnificence of the human spirit. I have had an ongoing fascination with the Second World War. And in the stories I have read and gathered, I see deeply moving examples of human compassion and sacrifice. There are stories of human heroism that are soul stirring and even life altering. These are accounts of ordinary people ( the Frodos of the world ) whose God given image shone in the midst of the darkness. There are stories of the soldiers who lay their lives down so that I might be able to enjoy privileges that I pray I never take for granted. These stories are deeply humbling.
Remembrance Day? I remember in the biblical sense that I reconnect with the narrative. When our Jewish neighbors celebrate The Passover, they retell their Story. The “Good, Bad and Ugly”. Everyone, from young to old, participates in its retelling. They “Re-Member” the account of their deliverance from Egypt. It is a painful story, complete with tragedy and promise. And they vow to “never forget”. The narrative of Remembrance Day is not to glorify war. It is to remember our debt. It is to remember the horrific cost that many of our brightest and best paid for our freedom. It is to remember the tragedy that is war. And it is to remember heroism and sacrifice.
When I consider heroism and sacrifice, it always leads me to The Cross. And so it is today.


Praying through history on Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day reminds us that many of our daily blessings have roots in significant historical events in which human courage and sacrifice played significant roles.  Conversely, parts of the world that are racked with violence and injustice are living the consequences of conflicts and vengeance-seeking that are often centuries old. 

In the Lord’s eyes, a day is like a thousand years.  Spend a few moments today pondering the grand sweep of history as it reflects both God’s faithfulness and human rebellion, and the ways in which both blessings and suffering in our own lives and in our world today have deep historical roots. 

And please join us for a short Remembrance Day ceremony in the central foyer from 10:45 -11:15.    

Sample:  Lord of all time, today I thank you for _____________ , a blessing we enjoy in large part because (historical event).  I also pray for your strong grace to shape (broken global situation), and bring healing into centuries-old hurts and hatreds.  

Sunday 10 November 2013


Prayer of examen

 This type of prayer is a reflection on what God has done and where you have seen Him present throughout your day.  It's a good prayer exercise for a Sunday.

 There are two aspects to prayer of examen:

1)      Examen of consciousness – Take some time to recall what you have done and said today. Where did you see God working and speaking in and through you today? How did you respond to His presence?
2)      Examen of conscience – Consider areas in your life today in which you need cleansing and healing. Ask God to search your heart (Psalm 139:23-24). Be careful to search your heart in a way that sees through God’s eyes, not your own, that your prayers might not become  narrow in unexamined praise or blame.

Journaling is helpful in this type of prayer.

Sample: Holy God, thank You for Your promise that You will never leave us or forsake us. God, I know that You were with me through every moment of today and I want to thank You for showing up today in __________. I’m sorry for the times when You tried to capture my attention and yet I didn’t respond to You or I didn’t recognize that it was You speaking. God, I know that there are areas in my life that I need You to help me fix so that I may honour and glorify You in everything that I do. What do You see in me that You’d like to help me work on today?

Saturday 9 November 2013


 Pray out loud

When the Scriptures refer to prayer, they always assume that we are praying out loud.  Today, not everyone is comfortable with this. Although prayer can be a deeply personal and intimate activity between God and yourself, resulting in the internalizing of our prayers, there is great power in saying your prayers out loud. Say your prayers aloud today. If you are worried that someone might hear something that ought to be kept between you and God, go somewhere alone with God (the orchard, prayer rooms, the shower, and around the block are a few good places).

Friday 8 November 2013


 Intercessory Prayer

Take the focus off of your own worries and struggles for a moment and open your eyes and hearts to see those around you who are hurting. This is a challenge. Prayer, is one way of loving them. Moses is a shining example of intercessory prayer as he prayed constantly for the rebellious Israelites as they wandered through the wilderness (Number 21:7). Jesus is another example, as He intercedes for us before God’s throne (John 17:20, Romans 8:34).

Sample: Lord, I know that You see all things and hear all cries and feel every brokenness, so You already know who I’m going to pray for and what their circumstances are, but thank You for listening to my plea for them all the same. God, You know _________ and how they are struggling with __________ and what they really need ___________. (The rest of the prayer will be very subjective.) What can I do practically to love in this situation? Lead me.

Thursday 7 November 2013


Pray to the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit, while often overlooked, is a vital and powerful member of the Trinity. Paul writes that the Holy Spirit is interceding for us (Romans 8:26-27) and Jesus explains that the Advocate (the Holy Spirit) helps us to know God’s truth and reminds us of what we have been taught (John 14:26). The Holy Spirit is God and is living in you. He, God, is with us forever (John 14:16).  Thank the Holy Spirit for His work in your life and His help to understand God’s Word, for His constant presence with you, and for helping you to hear the voice of God more clearly.

Sample: Holy Spirit, thank You for coming and living inside of me. You have guided me into truth and confirmed in my own spirit that every word in the Bible is true. Thank You for whispering to me throughout the day and for drawing my attention to things that I would otherwise miss. I want to get to know Your still, small voice even clearer so that I can discern when it is You are speaking to me and when it is evil or even just myself.

Wednesday 6 November 2013


Pray to Jesus Christ

While Stephen was being stoned, he cried out for Jesus to forgive those who were killing him (Acts 7:59). Jesus forgives. Thank Jesus for the cleansing that He holds out to you daily (Hebrews 10:14). Make the prayer very personal, for you can’t hide anything from Him anyway. Thank Him for specific things that He has forgiven and for specific ways that He has led you, especially by the example of His life here on Earth.

Sample: Jesus, my Saviour, thank You for being such a personal, loving, sacrificial God. Thank You for cleansing me of all impurities and presenting me as pure before the Father’s throne. Thank You for interceding for me, both while You lived on this earth and now that You are at God’s right hand. You know exactly what it’s like to live in this dark world, so Jesus, how should I deal with ____________?

Tuesday 5 November 2013


Pray to God the Father

Have you ever prayed in secret? During the famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told His followers to pray to the Father in secret (Matthew 6:6). Jesus Himself, while He walked on earth often withdrew by Himself to pray to His Father in heaven (Matthew 14:23). God is the perfect image of a father and He longs to spend time with His children. Out of all the names of God, “Abba” is the most intimate.  Because of Jesus’ finished work on the cross, we too are able to call God “Abba”. Take some time with your perfect Father, laughing with Him, sharing joys and sorrows with Him, and asking Him (as Jehovah Jireh – the Lord who provides) for what you need. He wants your heart. He delights in you.

Sample: Dear Abba, Thank You for caring for me as Your own child. I praise You for being the Creator of all things, the King of all kings and the Most High God, Thank You for revealing Yourself to me as Dad. It’s so personal. Father God, You are so strong, capable of doing anything. Thank You for taking me on such an adventurous journey and for teaching me so much about this world that You have made. God, I want more than anything to spend time with You and have a conversation with You about anything and everything. Dear Abba, what shall we talk about?

Monday 4 November 2013


Pray through a parable

What is your favourite parable? Jesus used parables to convey what He wanted to say to the people and these messages were not meant only for the Israelites but still hold great meaning for us today. Choose one of your favourite parables of Jesus, read through it slowly and then ask God what implications that parable has on your life. Which character do you identify with? For example, when have you been rocky soil instead of good soil? How have you hidden the gifts that God has given to you instead of using them and harvesting the positive outcomes?

Sample: Caring God, please help me to be a Good Samaritan rather than a Levite. I want to stop and help those in need and give of myself for my neighbours, even the ones that I might not get along with. Please help me to not cast a blind eye on those who you have put in my path to help.

Experimenting with Prayer

 One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples” (Luke 11: 1).
When I was a little child, my parents taught me two prayers: at meals I was instructed to say, “Thank you for this food and drink for Jesus’ sake, Amen.” And at bedtime they would sing with me this little chorus:
Jesus, tender shepherd hear me, bless your little child tonight
Through the darkness be thou near me, keep me safe till morning light. Amen.
Gradually I “grew out” of these prayers and was simply encouraged to say my own “home-made” prayers at bedtime. I think they just assumed I would know how to do that. My prayers included asking forgiveness “for my many sins” (without naming any) and petitioning that my team would win the Stanley Cup (which they actually did in 1967, but they haven’t come close since). J
In other words, my prayer life was often relatively superficial, punctuated by occasional moments of deep intensity.

All of us -- at one time or another -- struggle with prayer.  As chaplain, I've learned that one common root of these struggles is that we aren't aware of how many different ways we can pray. Therefore, during the month of November, the Chaplaincy Team will send out a different way to pray every day, for thirty days.

We invite you to try these -- alone, in residences, in devotions to open class, in departmental devotions -- in all the places where prayer is part of our lives. They will be posted here each day (see the index to the right of this column).
About thirty years ago a friend challenged me to take a three day prayer retreat, and I did. After a brief introduction to the retreat, we were told to find a quiet place and spend three hours praying Psalm 23, all six verses of it! I completely panicked. How does one pray six verses for three hours?
Through those “Lord, teach me how to pray” hours of my life. I learned that:
·         When you offer God extended silences, he often shows up in unexpected ways.
·         There are hundreds of ways to pray, and the more aware we are of the “prayer-options,” the more we can choose forms of prayer that suit our personal temperaments and our particular season of life.
·         At the center, prayer is simply opening up our heart and bringing it to rest inside God’s heart.
Alison Krauss sings a hauntingly contemplative song called “Living Prayer,” which includes this simple chorus:  Take my life that I might be, a living prayer my God to Thee. That pretty much nails it.

We encourage you to try these different ways of praying.  We trust the Holy Spirit will bless your "prayer-experiments."


The chaplaincy team:  Syd, Robb, Mark, Deb and Cam